New Year Goals and Resolutions are easy, but What does it take to ACHIEVE those goals?
As a client said to me recently: “I always set clear goals with a plan. The problem is that I get distracted and lack follow through.” Ah, that’s the rub isn’t it? When we set a goal its often with enthusiasm and true motivation, but life can get in the way if we are not careful to revisit our goals through the day. So, what is your intention for 2017? How will you create an airtight plan complete with strategies to overcome obstacles and distractions?
Step One: Begin with Mindful Reflection-
Before you start actual goal setting it’s important to take time to sit still, be mindful, and allow your body and thoughts to settle. This opens the way for reflection about your business. It is in this quiet reflection that clarity about our new year’s vision emerges. So, don’t just do something; First, be someone who is present and receptive to what is really calling you forward in the new year. Listen to what is both possible and realistic. Then, get a pen and paper or whiteboard, and get ready to start the planning process!
Step Two: Assessment – Where are you starting from? What goals are left over from last year? Are they still relevant? Do they need to be tweaked? What new skills and knowledge have you added to your tool box? A SWOT analysis will help you start with a clear picture of your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Step Three: Create a SMART plan – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic with steps assigned to a specific person, and lastly Time sensitive. As you hold yourself to creating SMART goals, you may realize that your wish list is not realistic. Establish priorities! The next two steps of strategic planning are to refine your goals and create a detailed action plan.
Now you have refined your vision from a dream to a clear and specific, achievable goal. Tune in next month to POWER POINTS and learn how to develop practical and comprehensive strategies, that are consistent throughout every aspect of YOUR organization and life!
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