There is no disputing that the holidays will be different this year. Many people have suffered multiple losses of health, finances and sadly family members who passed all too soon. So where are we to find “happiness’”?
As a Mindfulness Meditation teacher, coach, and therapist, I encourage my clients to find comfort by looking for the little moments of happiness in each day. It may be the kindness of a nurse, or neighbor, the moment the sun breaks through on a cloudy day, the aroma of hot coffee, your warm fuzzy slippers or a call from a loved one far away.
Another practice that can put a little happiness in our day is Gratitude. I read recently in a daily devotional that we don’t have to give thanks for difficult times: but we can give thanks in difficult times. I like that. So, this holiday season, let us find something to give thanks for in these difficult times and let us look for that little moment of happiness.
I am happy you are part of my life and grateful in these times for You.